Enjoy the Journey with Arron Chambers

ETJ 38: A Conversation w/former Gang Leader turned Church Planter, Gonzalo Venega

Arron Chambers Season 1 Episode 38

In this extremely interesting conversation, we hear the powerful and true story of how God worked in the life of Gonzalo Venegas to lead him from being a gang leader to being a Pastor who is planting an intercultural church in Kissimmee, Florida.

This story is amazing and I'm so excited for you to hear it!

To find out more about Encounter Christian Church: https://www.encounterchristianchurch.com

If you'd like to make a donation to Encounter Christian Church: https://encounterccorlando.churchcenter.com/giving

If you'd prefer to watch this on YouTube, you can go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-Gst-V8WHs

The YouTube version has pictures. :)

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